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Fresh Water Clam


Scintific Name: Anodonta Cygnea
Common Name: Fresh Water Clam Or Asian Golden Clam
Selling Size: 6-8Cm
Tank Size: 70L +
Temperament: Easy Not Aggressive
Diet: Eats Particals In The Water
Temperature Range: 21-27?C
Ph: 7.0-8.0
Adult Length: 12-14Cm
Avarage Life Span: 5 – 10 Years

Kept In Singles, Be Careful Not To Over Stock

CAUTION: Avoid Copper Medication As Fatal To Them

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They May Slowly Burrow Into The Substrate Until They Are Nearly Covered, Leaving Only The Slightest Glimpse Of Their Shell And Siphon Visible. So, Make Sure The Substrate Is Fine Enough And Deep Enough To Allow The Clam To Bury Itself. The Mussels Do Best In Established Tanks With Stable Water Parameters, And They Seem To Like Water Within The Tropical Fish Range.
Keep An Eye On Them As If They Die It Can Cause Problems In The Tank.

3 in stock


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