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Longfin Pepper Cory


Scintific Name: Corydoras Paleatus
Common Name: High Fin, Longfin Blue Leopard, Pepper, Peppered Cory
Selling Size:2.5-3Cm
Tank Size: 70L+
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivor Grazer, Live Food Bloodworm
Temperature Range: 22-26?C
Ph: 6.0 – 7.0
Adult Length: 5-6 Cm
Avarage Life Span: 5 Years

Shoaling Fish Min Group 6

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The Peppered Cory Originates From Brazil And The La Plata Basin. All The Peppered Cory Are Now Farm Bred. This Is A Hard Undemanding Peaceful Long Lived Fish.
These Longfin Variation Can Sometime Grow A Bit Bigger.
Does Best In A Group Of Corys 4 Or More.
They Will Adapt To A Range Of Water Parameters.
The Peppered Cory Is The Easiest Corydoras To Breed. Corydoras Can Be Bred As A Pair, A Trio (2 Males,1 Female) Or As A Group. Feed Fry On Newly Hatched Brine Shrimp. When Viewing From Above The Female Is Broader From Behind The Pectoral Fins. Spawning Is Often Brought On By A Slight Lowering Of Water Temperature.

8 in stock


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