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Panda Cory


Scintific Name: Hoplisoma Panda
Common Name: Panda Catfish, Panda Cory/Corydoras
Selling Size:2-2.5Cm
Tank Size: 50L+
Temperament: Easy And Peaceful
Diet: Omnivor, Enjoys Brine Shrimp, Bloodworm & Pellets
Temperature Range: 22-28?C
Ph: 6.0-7.5
Adult Length: 4Cm
Avarage Life Span: 10-15 Years

Fish Min Group 4

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These Make A Great Addition To Most Aquariums. They Are Best In Small Groups. Great For Tank Maintenance As They Pick Up Any Left Over Food.

ID 265142811 | Cory ? Voislav Kolevski | Dreamstime.Com

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